Staff Answer
Dec 03, 2023 - 08:22 PM
Before painting with the Cool Coat Thermal Barrier Coating, you should follow good paint preparation practices. This should include removing any loose, chipping or cracking paint and then applying a primer over those areas. Use a power washer or equivalent to wash over any dust, dirt or other contamination that can interfere with good adhesion. Once this is done you can then apply the Cool Coat directly to the painted concrete surface. Manufacturer recommends a 2 coat application. On smooth surfaces 200 sq'/gallon per coat x 2 coats and for textured and porous surfaces may need to apply at 150 sq'/gallon per coat x 2 coats. For accent colors like a dark red, may need a 3rd coat or a primer coat for "hide" purposes. You will need to test this out first.